Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Workbook

    • Touchpoint appointment

  2. 2
    • Claire Huestis: John 9 and 10: Abundance of Life

    • Connie Jones: Romans 5:17: Reigning in Life

    • Q and A with Connie and Claire

    • Day One Homework

  3. 3
    • First Loved: Focus

    • First Loved: Spoken

    • First Loved: Q and A?

  4. 4
    • Mark and Rachel from First Loved Ministries Live on Facebook March 2024

    • Backstage with Mark And Rachel March 2024

    • Connie Jones March 2024 Live on Facebook

    • Connie Jones March 2024 Backstage

    • John 9 teaching from August 2022 challenge

    • John 9 backstage August 2022


Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.

  • Text length of individual points can be shorter or longer depending on your needs

  • Text length of individual points can be shorter or longer depending on your needs

  • Text length of individual points can be shorter or longer depending on your needs



Claire Huestis

Claire Huestis is a remarkable individual with a passion for sharing transformative stories. Claire graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary in 2002, earning a Masters in Biblical Studies and dedicating 15 years to the study of Greek. In 2015, a life-altering encounter with God forever changed Claire's path, leading to the founding of Cultivating Transformation in April 2020. With a deep love for nature, canoeing, and gardening, Claire's journey is rooted in a supernatural calling that can't be ignored. Now, as a guest on this podcast, Claire brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to inspire and empower listeners. Join Claire on this transformative journey as we explore the power of faith, personal growth, and making a positive impact in the world. In the early 90s I felt a call to ministry and it took nearly a decade to become a born-again believer. For more than fifteen years, I struggled with cycles of depression and anxiety with periods of pressing into the Lord. The cycles were broken when I attended ministry school through The School of Supernatural Ministry. I learned that my identity is rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus. Everything shifted when I found out the truth that my foundation was in Him. I no longer have to strive and press into my own power because my authority comes from resting in Him. During this time period my passion grew for God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Through these experiences I have had a renewed calling to ministry and my hopes are to lead others into finding out their true identity in Jesus. Thus Cultivating Transformation was born and I am here to help.

Associate director Igniting Hope Ministries

Connie Jones

Connie is a radical encourager with a passion to see the Bride of Christ rise into her magnificent identity and authority. She has served the Church for over 25 years as a youth pastor, associate pastor, senior leader, and itinerant minister.



Rachel Delgado

Rachel Delgado is a pastor, teacher, and curriculum developer who has served church communities in Florida, Indiana, Hawaii, Illinois, and Texas. In the past, she designed and implemented children's and adult discipleship programs that focused on foundational theology and prayer practices. She has a B.A. in Christian Educational Ministries from Taylor University and it was while pursuing her Masters of Divinity at Northern Seminary that she met Mark, and first experienced First Loved Ministries’ activities. This encounter radically changed her life and she is thrilled to be a part of sharing the message of being First Loved with everyone! After a decade in the Midwest, Rachel and her husband Jeffrey enjoy living in Austin TX. When she isn’t working she spends her time sipping coffee, watching movies, and cuddling with her pets.


Mark Fee

Mark Gordon Fee is a pastor, teacher, and worship leader who received a BA in Christian Education from Wheaton College, a Master of Divinity degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Talbot School of Theology. Before launching First Loved Ministries, Mark was the lead pastor of the Vineyard Metro-north church for 17 years where God forged these teachings and trainings in and through that beloved community. In 2006, God called him out of pastoring locally to be his “First Loved” messenger to the whole church, a role he cherishes and enjoys immensely. A dynamic worship leader and songwriter, Mark has played piano, sung, and written songs for most of his life. Mark and his wife Robin have five adult children and two grandchildren. He and his wife currently live in Gloucester, Massachusetts.